Dec 3, 2016 | Advent, Bible Story, Rusten Walter Harris, Unrhymed Other
In December My memory returns To a small room Near a stairwell The Galleria Uffizi in Florence Alone and in the darkest Of the galleria’s chambers Benefial’s “The Massacre of the Innocents” Hangs Set apart from the well lit halls The painting:...
Dec 2, 2016 | Advent, Rusten Walter Harris, Unrhymed Other, Winter
Behold in liturgical time Both natural and ecclesial The bowing of the trees The lifting of the hands The giving of the leaves The enacting of nativity The gowning of the ground in white The singing of the old hymns The fasting of the daylight The reciting of ancient...
Dec 2, 2016 | Bible Story, Gus Stevens, Hymn, Luke Schreiber, Song
Who designed the universe Holds the stars and spins the earth? Who has covered Adam’s shame Clothed him with a costly grace? Who destroyed the world by flood, Buried multitudes in mud? Who reached out a saving hand, Lifted Noah to dry land? The One Who has made...
Dec 1, 2016 | Advent, Rusten Walter Harris
In Matthew’s gospel Three sets of fourteen generations wait for jubilee – The final freeing of the slaves. Will the debt that buries the brow of every seed of Eve in sweat and blood be paid? Will the exiles be brought back -and restored? The mystery of the...
Nov 5, 2016 | Grief, Rusten Walter Harris
Late night crossing the narrow passage A warning light flashes “severe side winds” My hands on the wheel, I wonder How many other travelers in the dark Upon their way to the hospital where their child is tied up with hoses and cords Read those words and...
Oct 7, 2016 | Autumn, Love, Rusten Walter Harris
Three rungs from the top of a rickety four legged ladder My entire body straining to grasp those clustered King apples Mostly green, with flecks of red on their skin facing the sun Reaching further than I ought I put a little weight on an old branch Knowing very well...