Mar 9, 2016 | Aging, Judah Ivy, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet
What fell mystery is aging? Some dread erosion to bone and skin The bios inward slows its raging And soil joins to elder kin. Is this some awful tragedy, Some invasive species from without? Our cells do their work with apathy Like old men suffering from gout. Yet time...
Feb 2, 2016 | Duncan King, Grief, Villanelle, Winter
Not one of us tried to remember what happened in that cave in the middle of tropical December The men burned to not less than ember villagers we’d tried to save not one of us tried to remember The two Portland boys in chain and fetter so long starved they could...
Jul 22, 2014 | Michael Taron, Unrhymed Other
Waiting for conviction and that dull thud of expected guilt Afraid of the sharp clamp of conscience, but more afraid it will not come The fuzzy hum of delayed repentance and the dirt Still clinging to the back of my eyeballs Hurt, but oh how easy it would be to just...
Jun 10, 2014 | Amy (Doran) Keeney, Dream, Unrhymed Other
We sat, pasting crows from construction paper waiting for them to come to life. They did come to life, shuddering with breath, flapping cautiously, realizing. Jesus could be a camera watching over us when we’re sick with letters sick with names, lying on a...
Jan 12, 2013 | Amy (Doran) Keeney, Unrhymed Other
You will continue shattering. Your pieces will make a lamp shade. No, they will make a table. No, your pieces will make electrons And no matter how far apart they fly They will always fly in the same motion. Your shattered electron pieces will always. Your shattered...
Jan 10, 2012 | Bible Story, Gus Stevens, Hymn, Luke Schreiber, Song
I envy the broad swath of humanity that is able to clap and sing at the same time. Either activity I can perform adequately, provided I am only responsible for one at a time. But the moment I attempt to peel off a chunk of my singing brain in order to direct it toward...