Dec 29, 2012 | Gus Stevens, Moss Kingdom, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet
With fungal crown, King Oberon receives all the waste and the withering of time, sees the fall and the flowering of leaves then paints the river rocks all black with slime. Whole continents are nursed within a fallen log and the trees, evergreen, never shed their...
Sep 29, 2012 | Gus Stevens, Moss Kingdom, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet
Who is the maker of these mighty hills; what hands could draw these from the deep? Are they the battle scars of contesting wills —a shield shattered ‘gainst a granite keep? On the ridge there lurks a murder of crows scavenging the flesh from Nike’s broken...
Jul 21, 2011 | Commissioned, Gus Stevens, Moss Kingdom, Picture Challenge, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet
Snow melts from these peaks feed not the Tiber but push the aging Auser’s modest mills. Common threads they keep, but silken fiber will be sold to greater Florence for her frills. When the Fuhrer the Gothic line made green to crop the conquest of his conquerors,...
Feb 23, 2011 | Commissioned, Gus Stevens, Moss Kingdom, Picture Challenge, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet
Behold the prince, the winged monarch as he circles, circles in the midday breeze and in robes of orange and train of black could dark the skies and bring the impious to his knees. This army, in ever ancient loyalty, emerges from its chrysalis to fill the heavens with...