Jul 15, 2016 | Alexandrine, Autumn, Erotic, Gus Stevens, Love, Seasons, Spring, Summer, Winter
Look my young fool, born with the Spring’s first green, our morning is all spent and now the afternoon bleeds red in the west. Will you really be so mean as to ignore the pot you set upon the coals? I want you, and the water will be boiling soon. Come, Fool,...
May 8, 2016 | Dream, Gus Stevens, Seasons, Summer
Alive and heavy with health, syrup swells the root, and sun-dappled fields are filled with walking flowers: the blossoms of the body and the promise of fruit. We know, and delight, and dream away the hours; let us have sweet Summer’s cream ...
Dec 21, 2015 | Advent, Chiastic, Gus Stevens, Seasons, Winter
Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till he appeared and the soul felt it’s worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoicing For yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn. -John Sullivan Dwight All the nations grope about in the dark to find...
Dec 21, 2014 | Gus Stevens, Seasons, Sonnet, Terza Rima, Winter
Wandering with careless muddied steps, I squish the gluttonous ground all drunk with rain in this city where the puddles never dry and the leaf-crammed gutters never drain ‘cept for a fleeting fist of golden weeks when the sun visits all brilliant and vain. And...
Dec 15, 2014 | Gus Stevens, Seasons, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet, Winter
What can be offered to the afternoon but words and words; there’s nothing new to say and so I’m silent as the winter’s moon with her half smile over the brilliant day. The clouds have all been chased off by the sun, her sole companion in an empty...
Aug 12, 2014 | Gus Stevens, Seasons, Sonnet, Victorian Sonnet
What is it about the sea, that heaving mass of endless grey, that stills and saddens me and bends my thoughts like clay? Upon the undulating mass the waves warp and glisten like a field of broken glass and call to all who’d listen, “I am the mother of the...